Boat trip on the Maine and Mayenne, September 17, 2022
Departure from Cale de la Savatte, Angers at 730pm (ponton C) with 27 members on the Atout Loire wooden bark.
After one member arrived at 740pm, we took off under a sunny blue sky: about 20 degrees celsius.
We were offered great views of the Angers skyline including the castle and the beautiful St Maurice cathedral,
while sipping on a Crémant de Loire, nibbles (cheeses and cold cuts, baguette, chips and mixed nuts).
From the Maine River we turned onto the Mayenne River; and the boat made a turn around at the banks of Cantenay-Épinard when the night began to fall with temperatures dropping into the low teens.
One more view on the Island of St. Aubin, when we headed home to where we started, arriving at our departure point at 9.45 PM.
This trip was enjoyed by all and resulted in an applause in the end by those present.